Friday, March 25, 2016

My first Bike to Work day

Not long back I had posted about how workout has had good effect on me. A lot of my friends agreed to what I had to say, and feel the same way. Some also requested to read and learn more from what and how I do to make that happen.

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen"
                                                                                                                   Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are somethings that are always in your mind and you want to make that happen. However all the ifs and buts are the ones that drag us down. I had been thinking about biking to work for a long time, and finally I did it today. With the onset of  daylight saving time, warmer mornings and longer evenings, I had no more excuse for being lazy.

The ride helped me clear my mind and soak the sun as I rode to work. It was a pretty productive day. Ride home was not as easy as the wind was against my ride home, and my legs were sore, but I still made quick stops on the way to take some pictures. The lush green hills, some patches of  clouds and clear blue skies looked like somewhere in heaven. I am extremely glad I did it as I got my workout for the day by missing the terrible traffic of the Bay Area.

Are you thinking or planning to do something? If so "Now" is the time, as tomorrow never comes.

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