Thursday, August 30, 2012

Limiting "carbs" for Gestational Diabetes

It takes discipline to take in-charge of your gestational diabetes, and you can easily do it. All you need to do is:
1. Plan, plan plan - this is the key, plan all your meals and snacks. Remember that you dont want to over feed your baby, so stick to the diet always.
2. Unless your obgyn tells you not to excercise, you can do some light workouts. Brisk walk is good. You could also clean the home, vaccum, wash the dishes, cook and clean the kitchen, clean the bathroom. There are ways to keep the baby in you happy and also make your home clean.

You could plan a day with the following:
Breakfast - 30 grams of carb from category2, anything/any amount from category1
Snack - 30 grams of carb from category2,  anything/any amount from category1
Lunch - 45 grams of carb from category2,  anything/any amount from category1
Snack - 30 grams of carb from category2,  anything/any amount from category1
Snack  - 30 grams of carb from category2,  anything/any amount from category1
Dinner - 45 grams of carb from category2,  anything/any amount from category1

Category1: You can induldge on them. Happy and Free food.


all kinds of nuts but limit peanuts.
mustard greens (tori ko saag)
gai choy ( rayo ko saag)
gai lan (kalo tori ko saag)
pumpking vines (pharsi ko munta )
chayote vines (iskus ko munta )
eggplant/brijal ( bhanta)
ladysfinger (bhindi
fenugreek leaves (methi ko saag)
spinich (palungo)
peppercress (chamsur)
watercress (simrayo)
all variety of pepper (belpepper/chillies)
long beans (bodi)
green beans
bamboo shoot (tama)
all kinds of nuts
and all the veggies you get. 

Avoid veggies that are high in carb like  plantain (kera ko tarkari), corn, sweet potatoes, any kind of poatatoes, peas, carrots.
All kinds of cheese (avoid cheese that are soft and viened as it may contain listeria, not at all a good thing for the baby like feta cheese, blue cheese)
Indulge peanuts in less quantity as they are higher in carb compared to other nuts.

Category2: Measure and eat, make sure to read labels
white rice
brown rice
any Daal - you have been thiking it is protien but it has a lot of carb too.

NO NO NO, you can see how much you should avoid this by looking at the number of no's

fried chicken - you can go for baked chicken and eat a lot of them
cakes pies/icreacreams
soda, energy drinks, juices, smoothies, milk shakes
Rice bread (sel roti)
desserts (all kinds)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Gestational Diabetes - Positive Vibes

It's hard when your doctor calls and tells you that you have gestational diabetes. Gestational Diabetes is mostly detected during week 24-28 during pregnancy, but for some with family history of diabetes or who are obese, this is detected even earlier.  Women do get back to normal once the baby is born and a special diet is followed postpartum. 

Should you be really worried about it? I think no, it just means that your body is not able to produce enough insulin to process the glucose intake. This is all due to the growing belly and other organs in the body gets crunched and unable to function as it used to. I know it feels nervous and scary in the beginning, but think about the effort  you are putting to bring someone special into this world.

The baby inside must be saying  "I am so special, and mommy needs to work a little harder to make sure everything is right. I think i deserve a little attention. don't you? "

The first thing you do is google (smiley), and find millions of hits, but consulting a nutritionist adds that extra benefit. Adding more complex carbs to your diet, lets the glucose in the food dissolve slowly maintaining a constant  blood sugar level. Also adding more protein to the diet makes you feel full longer. The hardest of all is, eliminate all processed foods, desserts from your diet. You must be thinking that this is the only time i get to enjoy them, and how to eliminate, but actually if you think, you are taking the bad things out of your body. Processed food and high sugar content of dessert do no good to your body. Sticking to frequent eating habit does not let you feel hungry, apart from breakfast, lunch and dinner, add snacks 2 hrs after each meal, meaning you are eating smaller portions, 6 times a day.It is also a good practice to walk altleast 20-25 mins after each major meal and adding yoga and stretching to your daily routine once a day. This increases your metabolism and also helps maintain a healthy glucose level. 

Stick to the routine and things will be fine.


Monday, August 6, 2012

The Math behind due dates

Congratulations! you are pregnant, but how along are you? Confused?

The pregnancy test that is available in the market can show positive as early as 1 month into the pregnancy. Its a fact that if you miss your period and test positive, you are pregnant. How many months? you are 1 month pregnant already and 8 more to go. The count starts 2 weeks prior to your ovulation when you start your first day of your last last period. 

Now when is you due date? It is exactly 40 weeks, which is 280 days from the first day of your last period or 9 months and 1 week. And someone asks you "how many month pregnant are you?", lets see how well you can calculate that.

Enjoy Counting and happy pregnancy!
